
A Hotel

A lovely Chair to see the Portico
From afar the Sunlight Shines

On Details of Delight

and of Details far Gone

To Sparkle like Porcelain

Into the Night Lights

and Skylights

Glamorous as the London Palladium but strikingly smaller. [well maybe not the London Palladium] Apartment complexes turned hotel became a popular move to bring the wealthy and wise tourist to Barcelona. Crammed like a tuna stands a hotel of lovely proportions. While many may express their dislikes of 'old fashioned-ness' I find a certain quaintness to the entirety. As if I were standing at a door during the twenties, the antiquary hotel delivers a pallet of refuge. I fell in love. Though it is a bit odd to find this place in dapper reform for its minimalist approach seems lovely and tolerable to this current society. A wonderful work is the Hotel Agua Alegre.