Our building finds its first roots within the narritive:
Mr. Felix Lorstrom asked for a design of a Guild Hall in Buckingham, VA
biggest interest was in the newly created guild:
-He is revitalizing the values of trade
-his goal is to bring forth the initial guild and separate from the club-like group which is now present
-his idea is to bring the
community together with
markets and show the
skills of the trade
his choice of material was a local slate which certainly
is used in a masonic temple and masonry buildings
A neat idea I came up with: veneer slate slabs and reinforce with steal forming black of slate.
The piece can then be interlocked with fingers
and lastly strung together to form arches
Though this idea was wonderful and genius,
the price to which it would account
is beyond the conceivable.
I could not justify using it.