A lovely Chair to see the Portico |
From afar the Sunlight Shines |
On Details of Delight |
and of Details far Gone |
To Sparkle like Porcelain |
Into the Night Lights |
and Skylights |
Glamorous as the London Palladium but strikingly smaller. [well maybe not the London Palladium] Apartment complexes turned hotel became a popular move to bring the wealthy and wise tourist to Barcelona. Crammed like a tuna stands a hotel of lovely proportions. While many may express their dislikes of 'old fashioned-ness' I find a certain quaintness to the entirety. As if I were standing at a door during the twenties, the antiquary hotel delivers a pallet of refuge. I fell in love. Though it is a bit odd to find this place in dapper reform for its minimalist approach seems lovely and tolerable to this current society. A wonderful work is the Hotel Agua Alegre.