A Sanctum |
The Bone Columns |
Beautiful Stone Works |
Lights of the Pendant |
Stairs of Glory |
Spiral of a Shell Stairway |
Over the City of Barcelona |
The Delicate light of a sidewall |
Button Light shafts |
Fingers holding the Flowering Roof |
Details of the Exterior |
Massively detailed yet minimalist in Nature |
Entrance and Exit of the Light |
My words are but bitter ends
of the fantastic tale
from architecture.
I have but little to say,
for the phenomenal phenomenological
extrusion speaks deeply for itself.
The Time has finally come to pronounce the most magnificent, eccentric and obtuse building of today. Barcelona houses many of the genius works by Antoni Gaudi--a Catalonian Art Nouveau architect. The pieces are erected through natural metamorphose animal bodies. Casa Batllo was dually based on sea creatures and a dragon. The spine can be found wrapping flawlessly throughout the structure. While this seems odd the particularity to the site imbues a cohesive succinctness.
Rising speedily from the limestone and cobble street protrudes a spiraling sandcastle of unproportioned height. The structure bears unequivocal effigies of many once lost in the times of old. For the buildings is a Cathedral. Temple La Sagrada Familia is an amorphous fixture of light, details and brazened colours. The exterior seems engrossed with excessive amounts of decoration but standing before it you realize the beautiful nature of minimalism. It is the tallest and most decorated humble structure in existence.
Once you enter the unfortunate construction gate you find yourself in the stomach of a colourful flower. It dances before you. It looms overhead and speaks kindly. The building engulfs all who impertinently enter. Gasping upwards you notice the columns of bones relinquishing the weight of the towers. They capitalize by presenting a flower arrangement for the hospitable.
Following the tower stair takes you above a city crafted by this genius. You gasp over the many buildings lacing the streets and finally enter the balconies floating nicely many stories up. You catch all your butterflies and exit the spiral stair. The stone stairs start to spiral into a shell which fits wholly with the sandcastle look. You exit to find yourself once more in the tomb of white bones.
The buildings speaks with a delicate nature around the details but worries not to throw forth a bold fist. Every inch is designed. Every voice is found. The light genitally guides and the stone coldly holds. The architecture is majestic. Like all grand Cathedrals, the buildings has taken and will take many hundreds of years to complete. My humble wish to fulfill some architectural desire would be to perform with the theatre of Sagrada Familia.