
Rosette I -- a baroque exploration

"My love for antiquity is a shameless venture through time, space and life. Endless lessons of pulchritude clasp your desires for seamless continuity. They revel in your mind. They desire your praise." 

While there seems to be a disconnect with the mainstream market of today, the past plays a wonderful role of designing for the future. It is because of the past we have the present. Never should we forget where we have found our most hidden roots. It creates meaning. Life is but meaningless without the past. Why do we fight so hard to find 'past designs' too distasteful for our stark global modern and post modern thoughts? Why is detail, expression of experience and a love for nature wretched? Why is classicism and decoration so mocked?

{it is because we have forgot where decoration came from--it is just as functional as any piece in a building. Can you tell me why?}

Our corrupt minds have a need for counterpoint. 
Everyone has a bit of renegade within them.

Design is a mere impression in the world of our thoughts. For a designer can not be held in this world without his designs. He is weak without his brain--without his plan. To design is a state of being. Designers design for life. Every aspect is fixated with a willingness to shape details. So let us not forget the past or fight to destroy it. Beauty comes from everything, every style and every person. Shaping the world through a desire to oppose the current might be good. But it does not make the current meaningless. It is a stepping stone to something new.

--For my love of the past I am working to craft something gloriously decorated and detailed--

During the medieval, renaissance and baroque period, the mouth of the guitar or lute was filled with an inverted wedding cake. It is called a rosette based on the inspiring Rose flower. With some work I shall have a beautiful Rosette delicately assembled within my guitar. I hope to create a more traditional sound with the piece. It is decorative, poetic and functional
--why would we be opposed to it?

Quick Sketch of radial pattern

Sketch of interior flower