
The start of the Highrise Boards

Drawing has commenced. Continuing the narrative the boards will be completely rendered and drawn by hand--no computer will touch them.

The delicate, intricate and craft of a pocket watch needs to be shown in the boards and model to express the experience of the tower. The O'Donnell tower is a complete delicate experience. It is filled design in every corner. All floors are custom to the space and people. Each space is intentional and particular to the occupation. This is extremely important not simply to this design but to architecture in general.

Architecture should not be understood only by a copy {drawing} but through the fourth dimension-time. We can only fully comprehend a building by experience. The boards and model are a glimpse into the experience and while they do a fine job, every aspect must be taken into account to fulfill that quality!

Architecture as a 'pocket watch' proves the experience needed for understanding. A metaphor is used for you to gain a feeling of how intricate it will be.