

"Work will make you free"

50,000 prisoner ground

Statue for the Dead

The Special Prisoner jail

8 Months of Complete Darkness

Room 16

Room 24

Room 27

Fingernail Marks

Leading on

Prisoner House




Body Furnace

"Shower room" [Gas Chamber Never used here]

Doors to Experimentation and Furnace Room

Doors to the Gas Chamber

The concentration camps during World War Two were conceived by a maniac destined to change humanity and architecture forever. Looking closely at a diminutive process of Roman Classical design strikes fear into the hearts of the weak. But lowering the standards tenfold sets the stage to a death camp. The prisoners born, built, lived and died in these huts.

Designed for 52 persons, 400 were gently crammed into the space. Overloaded and under-heated the prisoners froze to death. Diseases, bugs and lack of showers allowed for more to perish horrifically. Forced to build these buildings they worked to death. Little place for food storage and cooking spaces allowed the prisoners to die of starvation.

For architecture can cause anger and spite just as humans do. They took advantage of a beautiful art-form to push humanity to it's lowest. An age of shame and misery should never be forgotten, ignored or doubted. It is a troubling existence to be born with this history so clear.

A humbleness never found and shan't never be forgotten.