The Mouth of a Creature |
And the Scales of a Beast |
Draws flowing Waves of tiling Lights |
Into the depths of a Sand Castle |
and Speaks Diligently abroad the Tower. |
The obtuse Park
Güell by Antoni Gaudi holds many treasures and delights. The entrance brings lights to a dying breed of tile projects. Laced throughout are broken pieces of plates, pottery and tiles lighting the park in splendid eminence. Shapes of comic beasts join together singing colourful symphonies of grace. A hypostylic hall holds tubes for water supply and livens the field above. A few buildings including the elusive and majestic architect's house sit blindly behind landscaped trees calling for the viewer to immerse themselves on the tasteful colours and shapes. Finally, the arcade of cave-like columns line the edge of the park bounding the audience to weave through a tunnel of rock. The Park is exuberant, fun and immaculate.