
understanding experience.

---panning for gold---

everything is plane and obvious
it is infront of you always
but you have to get into it and 
play with it to understand
-get dirty-

When you enter the space, 
how do you experience 
a sifting, moving and revieling?

-like the stream, the light flows past the exhibits deep 
within the space. As you sift through the spaces, layer by layer, 
the light baths you, allowing a progression. Finally, by the noises 
and clanking of machinery--like the clunking of panning--
the exhibits provide you with the basic knowledge of kinetic science. 
You are given the gold nugget of knowledge and experience.-

How do people move 
through the space?
-like the sifting of gold panning the people 
slide back and forth in circulation and 
they are poored into the spaces.

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